Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
From merry carolers Caleb & the Caroling Caravan:
Free version fom trio Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh (of course), a version that starts with a telephone conversation (of course)
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Funky funky Christmas Mix by Ronny Hammond. Stream and/ord download via Mixcloud via HERE
Dr Rubberfunk also mixed his fave funky seasonal songs together. Go HERE
Friday, December 23, 2011

For the seventh year in a row The Blues Are Still Blue Presents:
Christmas Compilation 2011(download here)
001 Camera Obscura - The Blizzard
002 My Bubba & Mi - Pumpkin Pie
003 Summer Fiction - Christmas Eve for Two
004 The Kik - A Christmas Song For You
005 The Very Most - Wombling Merry Christmas
006 The Winston Jazz Routine - Through the snow
007 Caitlin Rose - You Never Come Home For Christmas
008 The Head And The Heart - Winter Song
009 Beta Radio - The Song the Season Brings
010 Birdy - White Winter Hymnal
011 Breathe Owl Breathe - Snow Blow
012 Chris Bathgate - Auld lang syne
013 David Bazan- Just Like Christmas (Low)
014 Marike Jager - Frosty The Snowman
015 Emmy The Great & Tim Wheeler - Christmas Day (I Wish I Was Surfing)
016 Megafaun - I Saw Three Ships
017 Renee & Jeremy - Sunny Christmas
018 Rick Fines - Country Christmas Blues
019 Rue Royale - What Next Dear One
020 She and Him - The Christmas Waltz
021 Smith & Burrows (& Agnes Obel) - The Christmas Song
If you like it, you gan still download my mix of 2010 and 2009 .
Merry Christmas!
As an antidote, I listen to this great Feliciano song. Works every time... I don't care if José thinks I don't know him now.

Californian dream pop duo The Honey Trees made two seasonal tracks, that are downloadable for free via their Facebook and Reverbnation site. The, indeed honey-voiced Becky Filip is a real treat for these dark days.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

As you've noticed, a lot of Holiday compilations are traditions already, like mistletoe and holly. Italian blog Polaroid posted their annual Christmas comp last week, featuring regulars like the the Ian Fays (another very good entry), Le Man Avec Les Lunettes and a really sparkling, spacey track by Welcome Back Sailors, a highlight if you ask me. Go HERE to download'm all.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011

Local radio station KDHX in St Louis put together a varied mix of Christmas songs by local and national acts, all recorded live in the KDHX studio. Brave Combo probably is the best known band, the Funky Butt Brass Band was already featured on this blog. Really dig the Hammond-a-gogo-version of Jingle Bells by The Civil Tones, and the funny song by Lucky Old Sons. Most of the tracks are downloadable for free. Go HERE

OMG! The illustrious guitarist from The Smiths made a Christmas single with his band The Healers. No lyrics, just spirit!
Download on his site (via Soundcloud)

The Alfred Burt Carols were the result of a charming family legacy. Between 1942 and 1954, Burt wrote these fifteen carols (roughly one per year), as a Christmas card to send his loved ones. It was a tradition his father had started, and Alfred carried it on through the rest of his short life. He sadly passed at the early age of 33, but not before leaving us this well-rounded collection of utter Christmassiness! The lyrics read sacred, but for me these are outshone by the hallowing harmonies and divinely crafted melodies, which remind me that music really can be simply magical. That, in itself, is sacred, to me. And this is exactly how I want to feel this time of year: that there is such a thing as “sacred” or “magic,” available to us in the form of something as simple as music!

There are other ways I feel connected to Alfred Burt’s life. For one thing, he went by “Al” and his wife's name was Anne. My mom and dad are an “Ann and Al,” so that's a nice, li’l coincidence. But moreover, his vocal arranging reminds me of my dear, late mentor Chris Dedrick. Chris’ band, The Free Design, was another “family legacy” type group, consisting primarily of Chris and his siblings. Both Alfred and Chris were jazz trumpeters who served time in big bands of military branches. Both men also clearly treasured the beauty of the human voice and stories brought to life through thoughtful vocal arranging. I like that these two great jazz composers have a bit in common, it feels cozy to me– like a good legacy to settle down into and call “home.” And that’s exactly what I intend to do, by continuing to let the arrangements of both these composers seep into my musical mind.
I’ll start by listening through the Alfred Burt Carols for the 20th time this week!
Sleep, Baby Mine
Some Children See Him
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pick up this year's mix of Jamaican Christmas goodies, AND all the other mixes John from Distinctly Jamaican Sounds blog made.
Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dutch jazz-pranksters Tin Men & the Telephone renamed themselves Tin Men & the Telephohohone for the season, 'cause they made a Christmas-album. But not as we know it. If you make tracks like these, you know that their version of classics like Jingle Bells and All I Want for Christmas sound, well, different.
But make no mistake, these guys are really, really good musicians. They invited singer Paul van Kessel (plus a very agitated route planning device) for their take on Chris Rea's immortal 'Driving home for Christmas'.
Really want to know who put the X in Xmas? See Wikipedia.
Let's put the X back in Xmas, Candye Kane and Country Dick once sang (see here).
Now the Dutch Tiny Little Big Band sings: You put the X in Xmas. Let's make Xmas mean something this year, I say!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In addition to this great compilation (sound quality debate aside, it IS a great compilation), Jan Kohlmeyer made a VERY funky Christmas mix for the Paris DJS blog. Go HERE to see the tracklist and download the mix for FREE.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Hiding under boxes of faded Christmas balls your mom keeps with the Christmas crafts you made back in grade school, Schnauzer Radio Orchestra pulled out an orange and brown Bakelite version of Winter Wonderland, complete with a SuperNES, a Stylophone, a Wurlitzer and an all girls 60s choir. What more could any mortal want for Christmas, besides a dry Martini and a big fireplace, I ask you.
In the words of keyboard player and all around Dutch cheese master Rob Geboers, "Do with this track as you please. Blog about it, remix it, give it away to your worst enemies, or just do a little nerdy dance to it."
Schnauzer Radio Orchestra - Winter Wonderland
Monday, December 12, 2011
I just looked back at some Christmas postings from 2006 and 2007 on Check The Cool Wax. I was surprised to find a lot of links to downloads still working. Click on the album cover above if you want to recapture a little of that childhood Christmas feeling. Get them while the links still work!
Merry Christmas!

Everyone's favourite Japanese girlie punkateers released a special Christmas single. Featuring their rendition of We Wish You A Merry Christmas, and their own Sweet Christmas. Gotta love these gals.
Shonen Knife - Sweet Christmas
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Logister is - in his own words - a master of the pop song, from soulful ballads to country-style bouncersto out-and-out rockers. His song writing is clearly influenced by people like John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, Joe Jackson and Chuck Berry. Now he comes up with a brand new single ‘Into white’. A nice seasonal track, but without the obligatory jingle bells and without mentioning the word 'christmas'.
The GED-label is a purveyor of fine soulful tunes, their seasonal comp features heroes like DeRobert & the Half-Truths.
Grillade. Never heard of before, but their Just a Sad Christmas song is D E E P.
And finally, 'name your price' for this in fact nostalgic soulful Christmas song by, yes, The Nostalgics (no, not a cover of the Long Blondes track with the same title)
You rather hear something snotty and loud? Go here.
No, not chosen by the CAGG-crew, but Florian Duijsens of See here (and agree!). Via Twitter, Florian reminded me of a 'non shitty Christmas tune' that wasn't featured here yet. But should. See here. Or even better, go to Stubby's to find the FREE downloadlink.
By the way, when it comes to dubstep and Christmas, we think GLC said it best.
Friday, December 09, 2011

Thursday, December 08, 2011
By the way, this is a cover of Skip Spence, better known as Jefferson Airplane's drummer. The original is worth your time, too:

If soulful or downright funky Christmas tunes are your thing (and they sure are mine), go to the wonderful Any Major Dude blog, to download a fresh, and various old compilations of the greatest x-mas songs ever recorded.
Go HERE if you like the boom-bap a little more. Including a rapping KITT car.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Every month, Dutch music platform 3voor12 puts online a compilation of new Dutch artists, in various genres. This month, they asked bands and singers to send in Christmas track. Thirty-one did so. You can stream the comps via the Luisterpaal (CD1, CD2). Dutch hiphop, Dutch Americana, Dutch rock, Dutch electronica... it's all there (even Chris Rea is!) and most of it is pretty effing great. A few tracks are downloadable, like G.T. Thomas' Winter Birds, iET's Christmas Day, Jörgen Ben Jamin's Days of Christmas and That Band From Holland of course. THIS JUST IN: the gorgeous, Fleet Fox-y song It's Santa! by No Ninja Am I is also downloadable. Here.
Go see the video for Bertolfs English Roses (not a Christmas track, more a seasonal song) HERE
Last year, blue-eyed soul singer Mayer Hawthorne recorded a beautiful version of Christmas Time is Here (yep, the Vince Guaraldi song). It's up for download again via Stones Throw. Also still available is Clare & The Reasons cover of Last Christmas, here.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Monday, December 05, 2011
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Jamie Cullum & Eliza Doolittle - Baby It's Cold Outside
If Karen Carpenter had fronted Stereolab, it could've sounded like the songs of G.T. Thomas. This U.S.-born, Amsterdam-dwelling songwriter/arranger/producer released a very delicate, nifty album (go HERE), and wrote and recorded in a few weeks this lovely seasonal track. Enjoy.
Go HERE to download (free, or name your price)

Swedish rockers Mando Diao, best known for party songs like this one, made a sweet Christmas track with strings, flute and high-pitched organ. It's about a family hating each other during the holidays, so this sure will get you in the right mood ;)
Mando Diao - Christmas could have been good
Friday, December 02, 2011
Mr President - It's Christmas Time (Soundcloud link)
Photos Like Postcards from Darren Hayman on Vimeo.
Darren Hayman is an indie singer-songwriter who made a Christmas record (10 inch vinyl, the coolest of formats) with original songs. To promote that, he made a website on which free (!) Christmas songs are posted, by Hayman and his friends. Go HERE.
Thursday, December 01, 2011

The one compilation I was dying to hear, fell on my doormat today. And as it goes with things you want real bad, it's a bit of a letdown. The guys behind the Tramp-reissuelabel compiled a bunch of funky, soulful and hard to find Christmas songs from the 60s (bar two) by no-names like Detroit Junior and Rose Graham. Now, I love vinyl, I really dig the cracks and pops of an old black plate. But when you put vinyl to cd, you can do a better job then the Tramp-guys did for this comp. The sound is distorted, wobbles and is unbalanced. Could be that the source-records sound exactly like that, but I have a version of Gary Walker's Santa's Got a Brand New Bag (from a blog) that sounds waaay better then the one on the Tramp compilation. Be advised!
That said, there isn't a bad track on SS&FCP. The season never sounded so soulful
Lee Rogers - You won't have to wait till Xmas

We Three Keanes = record producer John Keane and his 17-year old twin daughters. They recorded a bunch of Christmas classics (ranging from O Come Emmanuel to Jingle Bell Rock). From the press-release: 'For years, the Keanes have made annual Christmas recordings for the entertainment of family and friends. This family tradition has evolved into O Christmas, Where Art Thou? a fully produced collection of nine traditional holiday songs rendered in a sparse, folksy style, with mostly acoustic instruments and tight three-part harmonies.' The cd is for sale via John's website.
Though a tad traditional for most Christmas-a-gogo ears, this version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings, with some nice steelguitar, is a good one.
We Three Keanes - God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman/We Three Kings
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Their albums may be a little uneven ('Are we human, or are we dancer?', WTF?!), the annual Killers-Christmas singles NEVER disappoints. Alle seasonal tracks are put on one EP, including this new track:
The Killers - The Cowboys' Christmas Ball (sorry, link works now)
Yes, I know the intro text of this blog assured you we'd stay clear of Band Aid, but although the chords and the words are the same, this is not so much a cover as it is a protest. In the words of Fucked Up's singer Damian:
There's a kind of cavalier colonialism to the original, like the West has to go in and help this poor Third World country. But the charities that we're trying to help are exactly a product of this colonial history. People who have been subjugated and oppressed for so many years are going missing. So there's an irony to using the song. The lyrics are tasteless enough as it is.
One way or the other, this is an interesting rendition. Not only do we hear the gritty but brilliantly layered post-punk we already knew Fucked Up could deliver so well, as a bonus we also get to enjoy crowd pleasers Andrew W.K., Bob Mould, David Cross, Ezra Koenig, GZA, Kevin Drew, Kyp Malone, Tegan and Sara and Yo La Tengo.Want the mp3? Download via Mediafire HERE
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Crawl up with me on this bear rug baby. I'll poke up the fire. Ohhh, you look soooo good in your new red see-through teddy, red stockings and garters. Sip some of that wine, while I put on some music. Silky smooth, of course, just like your legs, hehehe. Teddy Pendergrass, of course. Teddy never lets me down. This is from his 1998 Christmas album. It always makes me a little sad when I hear him sing. I need to be comforted baby. Real hard. Hehehe.
Teddy Pendergrass - I won't have Christmas
Monday, November 28, 2011
Urbanus - Bakske vol met stro
Very pretty coverversion:
Nathalie Delcroix - Bakske vol met stro
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The excellent Stubby already wrote about this BRILLIANT take on one of the sexiest Christmas songs ever written. With great hair. But I had to post about it too. First off, the video is great. So's the hair. The lyrics are wonderful: 'Santa Brother, slip a Gucci suit 'neath the tree, for me, so I can get all the girls". And did I mention the hairdo?
More Follette on Soundcloud
James Follette - Santa Brother

Remember Vanessa? From A Thousand Miles, and that Counting Crows-duet? Well, she recorded a Christmas-EP. More like a Holiday or Seasonal EP, 'cause it features an acoustic version of A Thousand Miles, a rerun of Hear the Bells (a song that came out earlier this year) and a rendition of two Christmas-y tracks: John Lennon's Happy X-Mas and Do You Hear What I Hear. That latter version is the best, I think.
Vanessa Carlton - Do You Hear What I Hear
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Of course, the greatest black Santa of all time is James Brown, who made several terrific funky Christmas songs (compiled on this great album). This morning, I was randomly searching on 'Black Santa' and a few great songs turned up. The slow, deep and hard track by Melvins, for instance. An even louder track by The Red Chord. An instrumental by Kid Congo Powers, some hiphop tracks, some comedy. And this 2009 released, high-octane rock'n roll song by King Salami & the Cumberland 3. Who called their single (featuring a cover of Bob Seger's Sock it to me Santa) X-Mas a Go Go. So there.
American 'faux-French' band Nous Non Plus made a name with ironic, sexy songs in a French accent. Now they made an unironic, very sweet charity Christmas single. For every CD shipped, Nous Non Plus will donate $1 to Operation Homefront, providing emergency financial and other assistance to the families of US service members. Go HERE
Friday, November 25, 2011
Dutch singer Marike Jager brings us this lovely cover of "Frosty The Snowman" and made the no-budget video that accompanies the song herself with her band. Fooling around with some cardboard, white paint, black paper, glue and cotton wool.
Amazing what no money and lots of wine and chorizo can do.
Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's a little early to call the best new Christmas track, but this track by Rotterdam-based, 60s influenced heroes The Kik is certainly in the Top 5 this year. No doubt. It's nostalgic, it R-O-C-K-S, it has a great melody, love those saxes, it's everything you want a happy Christmassong to be.
The Kik - A Christmas song for you
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