Great song. To bad they didn't do a whole album of Christmas music.
But of course, there's our big, as-much-as-we-like-and-can-find new Christmas music Spotify list. Conveniently shortened to 'Christm...
Something Festive is a great jazz LP.I ripped an unopened LP to lossless and can't quit listening to it!
Hi-Great blog here. I love all the wonderful Christmas music. I'm trying to download the Sergio Mendez version of "The Christmas Song" but I keep getting a message that says it's not available. Is something wrong with the link or is it me? HELP!!! Thanks.
Not only does this fine album (A&M Stereo SP 19003) put you in the mood for christmas, it really does it in a 1960's way. With fine performances by Liza Minnelli, We Five, and Sergio Mendez and Brasil '66, there are fantastics versions of standards by Pete Jolly on jazz piano and Herb Alpert and his Tijuana Brass. I have always loved the Baha Marimba band, and now in this christmas collection from 1968, it's all here." Snow" by the misty and pensive Claudine Longet is worth the price alone. Her voice is like a garden of flowers, with drops of new fallen rain...So fresh and alive...I keep playing this Christmas record over and over again, It's that good, yet it's May!! Good luck finding it...
My parents had this album and I fortunately have it now. Doesn't skip yet but it's worn. I found one at a flea market...the guy selling it said his wife only played it once and didn't like it....best 50 cents I ever spent!!
I've had this album for years. It was a staple of the Christmas season... we always started with it when we decorated the tree. I can't believe that it's over 40 years old now (I'm 43, so I pretty much grew up with it). I just got through listening to it as we decroated the tree this year; I think I'll play it again! It really is the best of the lot of Christmas albums I have.
I grew up listening to this album! Have it memorized! I was able to find all but one song on iTunes and other sources. I cannot find "The Christmas Song" by Sergio Mendes and the Brasil '66.
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