Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Chicago Songwriting Club Compilation

The Songwriting Club is "A community of music ppl based in Chicago and beyond, meeting online monthly to share songs, ideas, and laughs". Apparently they have recently also shared Christmas songs with each other and thought it was a good idea to put them on a compilation. And there are in fact a few cool ones on it.
Josh Leahy, for example. In 'The Long Year' the singer songwriter sings off the difficult year that lies behind him in a strong Byrds-esque track with a smooth organ in the back.

And let's not leave this one unmentioned: moderncults. They do it with a cover of Low, Just Like Christmas, which after an intriguing intro shows a kinda honky-tonk version of this all time classic. Head over to this year's Low Mimi Parker memorial topic for more great covers of that song.

You can find the full compilation over there.
Proceeds from this compilation go to the Greater Chicago Food Depository.


Guuzbourg said...

This is a cool compilation, I like the first track, a T-Rexian ditty, also very much.