Wednesday, December 11, 2024

On Christmas Pop Music, On 3voor12

Well hello there, new visitors of this holly jolly weblog. You got here via the Dutch 3voor12-website, the leading music site in the Netherlands. Where one 'Guuz Hoogaerts' (known here as 'Guuzbourg') got to write over 1500 words on what you really need to know about Christmas (pop) music. That Xmas music is all about the longing, the desire, the nostalgia. Not necessarily about Christmas as such.

You read about the new trends, how shoegaze is a factor in today's alternative, non-hitparade Christmas music. You clicked on the songs by Slow Salvation, Bleachers, Summer Camp Girlfriend. You read about the seasonal music obsessed, the consignati of Christmas tunes. They have websites, blogs even.

And now you're here. There are 18 years of Christmas music in the archives. Theme posts. Lots and lots of covers. Short notes. Might be a little overwhelming, if you're a newbie. But hey, just enjoy. Have a cup of tea and click away. Listen. Feel the warmth, the craziness and smell the spruce needles. This is Christmas music. We're here to help.


Jim said...

Guuz! That article is fantastic! Congratulations on an exceptional overview of our special world. (My browser translated kerstpopverzamelaars as "Christmas doll collectors" which I love.)

Guuzbourg said...

Ahahaha, that's fantastic. I did call you Belle & Sebastian obsessed

Jim said...

Flattered to be confused with our mutual friend, but I'm the other Jim.

Guuzbourg said...

I feel like I'm in a Monty Python sketch (the Bruces)