Monday, December 23, 2024

The Mieters - La-la-la-Kerst

If you weren't there last week in Paradiso Amsterdam (and why not?!), then you also missed the scoop of their brand new Christmas single: The Mieters with 'La-la-la-Kerst'. You could have also caught that wild and awesome Christmas A GoGo live performance in the second chance on YouTube. And if you didn't do all that (and why not?!), then The Mieters are also to the rescue, because today they are giving away this great original beat Christmas track (with a touch of Wham!) plus a cover of the Dutch cult Christmas classic 'Elke Punk Viert Ook Het Kerstfeest' by the legendary Groningen punk band Boegies on their Bandcamp.
There. Now you really have no excuse anymore, I dare you: beat The Mieters!

The Mieters Insta over there.