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Thursday, December 16, 2021

1980s Québec Christmas comedy

Hailing from Montréal and having done comedy radio before television, Rock et Belles Oreilles (RBO) are known for their sketch parodies and original songs. RBO were the talk of the town for two decades, starting in the 1980s. They were the first to poke fun at Célion Dion, which back then was almost a crime. In fact, they wrote the song 'I want to pogne' ('I want to be catch on/be famous'), as she was becoming famous by singing in English instead of French, which in itself was its own 'crime' back then. The song is sung in bad English-franglais on purpose.

One RBO's Christmas songs 'C'est nono Noël' ('Christmas is dumb') sings about drunk bosses at the office Christmas party, and all the questionable behaviour that came with that back in the day. It makes fun of celebs of the time, paying too much for Christmas stuff, politicians, and then some.

I'm going to commmit adultery
with one of my secretaries
My wife isn't invited
she's at another party dancing naked

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