Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Hi-Risers

Heartbreaking lyrics about being alone at Christmas, with an upbeat, driving rock'n roll rhythm. That's what you get from The Hi-Risers, a trio from Rochester, NY who released this single on HiTide Recordings. Home of many lounge, surf and rock 'n roll bands who love Christmas as much as we do. See the Bandcamp page for lots of (mostly instrumental) xmas goodies. Earlier, we posted about The Volcanics.
This track by Hi-Risers is an original, and so is What Christmas time Means to Me, that sounds like an early Jan & Dean track.


Stubby said...

Not that it matters, I suppose, but the Hi-Risers tracks are from last year. I know cuz that's when I bought them. They just slapped a 2020 date on them for God knows what reason.

Guuzbourg said...

Ah well. Still two very nice songs that deserve aftention.

Randy said...

Actually, I think they're from 2008...

Guuzbourg said...

hmm. but still.