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Friday, December 01, 2023

Châteaubriand - Keeping the tree lights on

From Montréal, Québec, Châteaubriand's slow brand of storytelling features some contemplative bittersweetness about Christmas. Imagine walking down a residential street in a town somewhere with nobody outside while fresh snow is falling, and you can hear it when you stop walking. That's where Châteaubriand lives.

Band member Julien Corriveau calls Châteaubriand's micro-album 'Laisse le sapin allumé' ('Keep the tree lights on') a melancholic look at Christmas. As for Nicola Morel, he explains that this time of year can be difficult and anxiety-inducing for some people.

Veteran mall Santa chimes in as well, and says 'I quit' in 'La lettre d'adieu du père Noël des Promenades du centre-ville' ('Mall Santa's goodbye letter'). He enjoyed seeing your kids grow up, but it's time to fly South for the winter. 'It's time for landscape mode instead of portrait mode.' It's a great story that puts me firmly at the flailing mall near my parents place in Québec.

'Notre dernier sapin' ('Our last Christmas tree') is a deeper cut, with a melody that wraps like a garland around a tree.

A truck picks up the Christmas trees from the side of the road
I close the curtatins so it doesn't see mine through the living room window
It's not because I like Christmas that much
Or that I'm waiting for gifts to fall from the sky
It's because it's the only thing left
From our old teenage promises

Our friends over at Christmas Underground tipped us about this one! Merci!

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