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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Holy Shit It's Christmas (1)

So I heard this hard rawking tune from Portland, Maine's Hot Dogs:
I liked it. A lot. Punk Christmas songs are, when executed well, an adrenaline shot for days when you mostly hang around in a food coma. Then I thought, shit and Christmas...I know more songs with those words in the title. With 'Shit' used as an adjective, an expletive, a noun, a verb maybe (eew).
How'bout picking the bestest Shit & Christmas songs? Right. Tis because we LOVE themed posts, AND this is probably the only Christmas music blog that can actually do a Shit Christmas themed post (part 2 HERE, part 3 HERE).

Let's start with songs where 'Shit' is used in the title as an expletive, like the Hot Dogs song above. This one sprang to mind immediatly. This is a classic, people:
This glamrockin' great must be here too:
From Germany, trying to sound very sophisticated and British (and succeeding), but still using the S-word:
Sounds like a carol, and inspired by the dark COVID-days:
American comedian Red Peters made a Christmas album back in 2009. On this, he gets help from some chipmunks. Sorry, hamsters. It's funny, really. He will be back, because he sang more Xmas 'n Shit songs.
Yes, you were waiting for this John Lennon 'cover', didnt' you?
Singer-songwriter Gene Burnett knows how to amuse himself, alone on Christmas morn', with a great big pile of porn.
Of course, there is more. And tips of GOOD songs on this theme are appreciated, in the comments. (There is a Spotify playlist for this, sure)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Shrill Fit - it's been a shitty year.

