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Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Damien Robitaille - A twofer for Christmas

What better way to keep the linguistic peace during a Canadian Christmas dinner than to play Damien Robitaille's French and English Christmas songs! In French, we have 'Mon étoile de Noël' ('My Christmas Star'), a radio-friendly affair where Damien sings that he's happy with what he has and doesn't need presents. Amen! In English, 'Noel, Once Again' features his playful, fun uncle style, with a hint of a peppermint candy cane sugar high.

It took the health crisis for the online world to see and hear how talented Damien is on a bunch of instruments and in several languages. On 'Noel, Once Again', he mixes up English, French and Spanish because he can. Be sure to follow him and add his dulcet tones to your Christmas playlist.

¡Muchas gracias por tus regalos, Damien!

Be sure to revisit Damien's 2019 Christmas album, 'Bientôt ce sera Noël' ('Soon it will be Christmas'), a great Christmas album in any setting, with both French and English songs.

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