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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Snowflakes Single Club 2022

The yearly Snowflakes 45s are up on Bandcamp, and of course, this great initiative (release two or three exclusive vinyl singles eery season) needs to be promoted here.
This year, songstress Annie Jay wrote a sweet, warm 'n tender (yet sad) song about Christmas memories. She also covered Blue Christmas, but this original is the best side:
To quote the website: 'California folk singer Annie Jay remembers how special Christmas mornings were to her as a child. It was a magical moment. When she got older, the mystery of Christmas slowly disappeared. But not everything is gone. There is still the gathering together with loved ones every Christmas. And there are still children who wake up on Christmas morning and feel the same excitement that she felt when she once felt as a child. Annie Jay sings it all in a soft and sweet voice that is very easy to fall in love with and accompanies herself with the instrument that she fell in love with: the banjo.'
From Germany, sisters-in-electronica Donna Regina wrote an original and made a cover - we dig the cover version of this Polish band.
From the site: ‘Christmas With You’, the B-side of the single, was originally written and recorded by Polish indie band Old Time Radio for their 2009 Christmas album 'Sketches For Another Christmas Songbook'. Donna Regina again goes for a minimalistic electronic sound, but also adds a certain melancholy to the song. Partly due to the synths that in places resemble the sound of an organ, an instrument that appeared on so many Christmas recordings from the 1950s and early 1960s. The love-hate relationship many people have with Christmas is perfectly laid down in the lyrics: “We watch the cartoons / We sing out of tune / Kiss by the fireplace / Listen to those horrible songs / Do we know / It’s Christmas time at all?”.

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