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Friday, November 25, 2022

Boston Spaceships

Is this an undiscovered gem, an alt Xmas classic not yet acknowledged as an alt Xmas gem? Thanks to Lars/Hunter Complex (xmas!), I found out about about Christmas Girl by Boston Spaceships. Since Lars is a big Guided By Voices-fan, it was probably a matter of time before he pointed me to this TOTALLY FANTASTIC BRILLIANT song.
I checked on several other Christmas blogs, this track from 2011 has only one hit on Hype Machine, so with the exception of the All Seein' Christmas Eye of Stubby (but I can't check, Martin may respond) I guess we all missed this one. The fuzz, the lyrics, all these videos - what I can trace back is that they had a contest, the first video won, and the others just put them online.
By the way, on the album, the Boston Spaceships trio got help on their last album (featuring this song) from J Mascis (Dinosaur Jr.), Colin Newman (Wire), Steve Wynn (Dream Syndicate), Mick Collins (The Dirtbombs), Dave Rick (Phantom Tollbooth), and Mitch Mitchell (Guided by Voices). Mind, blown.

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