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Thursday, December 02, 2021

Rick Buur (4)

Yes, our favourite Dutch desafinado singer-songwriter's at it again. His fourth Xmas track for this blog, a rework of a Richard Shindell song (HERE). Not a Christmas song as such, but (to Rick) it is in spirit. He writes: 'Catharsis, spiritual release, silvery choirs, a nun changing a tyre...what's NOT Xmas about that?!'
The song's about a traffic jam gone haywire, along Route 80. If you follow the directions given in the song, you'll pass Paterson ('home of Hurricane Carter') and the mountains Minsi and Temany ('the Scylla and Charybdis of Pennsylvania') and end up all wet.
Rick's song is equally geographically correct; you WILL end up in the Nauernasche Vaart!

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