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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Xmas Glam

When you hear the Brit bands in the post below (Circa Waves, Cribs), you'll hear loud guitars, solid melodies and well, pretty good songs. But, and not to disavow anyone or anything, they're not all over the radio friendly hits. This track by UK trio Shot Balowski isn't a surefire chart topper either, but it does refer to the good ole days when Christmas songs DID rule the airwaves. And that time, of course, was the 70s, the glam rock period. Slade, T.Rex, Wizzard, their seasonal songs are still being played, covered, mashed-up, plundered. Read a cool article about those days HERE.
Back to Shot Balowksi. The lyrics go:

Christmas Glam just makes you feel alive
No more work, get loose and have a jive
It's a time we need for giving
Remember what we're missing, oh
Xmas glam bang 45s

Well, to be honest, I'm not missing those days, but come on, let's pretend for five minutes, because this sure makes a really fun and LOUD single:

Profits go to Carlisle Food Bank, which is also very nice.

One of our readers pointed us to this also VERY fun post-glam xmas hard hitter (thx Jon!):

And surely, if you're gonna dig, you'll come up with more:

From this year, and verrrry glittery, this BBB track:

One of the greatest new xmas songs from last year, with a distinct glam influence:

And there's of course this alt classic:

Adding this one, from 2021, very Bolan-esque:
Speaking of Bolan, how'bout this Xmas bop (from 2022)
Posted earlier, with that Gary Glitter glam beat:

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