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Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Not Fur Longs

The latest Arbor Christmas album is released, Volume 19. And of course, there's a song by The Not Fur Longs on it. These guys are present almost every year. What I like about this band is that they come up with great song titles, are very versatile (from jangly indie to reggae), it-is-what-it-is-lyrics and that honey-drenched voice of Brooke McAleer. Here's a collection of their bestest Christmas songs from Arbor Christmas compilations:

Last year was a so-so song, this is revanche:

NFL get a bit Police-y, like this one a lot:


Cool sci-fi-intro:

Fa-la-la, pa-rum-pum:


Arguably, their bestest xmas song. Yes, it lends from The Cure's 'Boys don't cry', it's very upbeat, very Christmas-y.

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