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Sunday, December 24, 2017

How To Make Gravy

Last year, I lined up a list of the bestest 50 alternative Christmas tunes made after 1994. Or: post-Mariah, to show that many great seasonal songs were made after the release of Carey's 'All I Want for Christmas, to prove that, yes, there are still brilliant Xmas songs written every year. Read about all that HERE.
A list like that is never complete, never final. One of the songs that should've been added is 'How to make gravy' by Australian singer-songwriter Paul Kelly. Released in 1996, and a classic down under, it's a song sung from the perspective of an inmate. He writes a letter to his brother, telling him he's sorry, asks him to kiss his children on Christmas Day, tells him how to make gravy for Christmas dinner. Oh, and please, don't dance to close with Rita. Read the lyrics HERE.
And this is that original version:

It's sentimental, it's frustrated, it's one heck of a song. Fans consider 21st of December (mentioned in the song) 'Gravy day'. Read the story behind the song HERE. Yes, it has been covered several times. Here are a few nice, cool and LOUD versions:
The most recent (and one of the most gorgeous ones) is by Australian band All Our Exes Live In Texas:

Also very nice, and sung by a woman (but with a piano backing):

Here's one with loud electric guitars:

Less loud, still rocking:

This one's from St.Louis based band Rough Shop, who made two very nice Christmas albums, with originals and covers:

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